Teaching with PBS LearningMedia Empowers You to Engage Your Students

Curriculum-targeted, standards-aligned, trustworthy resources encompassing:

  • Images
  • Interactive lessons and lesson plans
  • Videos
  • Interactives
  • Audio recordings

Teacher exploring resources on the LearningMedia site.

30,000+ plus resources to browse and filter by:

  • Grade
  • Subject
  • Video Length
  • Language
  • Accessibility supports

Additional features to support your instruction

Integrations with Google Classroom, Clever, Schoology, and Remind

Curated Collections help you find targeted materials for your classroom

Lesson Builder gives you the tools to create and assign media-based lessons

Favorites and Folders enable you to save and find resources

Filer image
Shelly Bautista, Carson Elementary, 2019
Filer image
Brandon Cooper, George Clymer School, 2015

Customize PBS LearningMedia resources with these ideas from teachers

  • Watch a video clip, as a bell ringer or exit ticket followed by a discussion/written prompt(s).
  • Share video clips or images with students to help build background information before introducing a new topic.
  • Utilize video clips, images and other primary sources to help provide context.
  • Differentiate instruction by allowing students to choose which videos to watch for an assignment, or by readiness based on content/complexity.
  • Provide robust activities that are great for stations/centers.
  • Support students when they are conducting research projects.

Getting started

Transforming Digital Lessons

Watch our video, Transforming Digital Lessons with On-Demand Resources, for some tips to get you started using our media in your classroom.